Report Outage
Reporting Service Issues:
Report Service issues immediatly below, through our mobile app, or by calling (423) 562-3316 or 1-800-352-1340.
- The electric power is out, a power line is down, or there’s another electrical emergency
- You have no water or have a water quality problem, please call
- Your wastewater (sewage) backs up, please call
(Don’t call 911. That line is reserved only for police, fire, and medical emergencies.)
- Severe weather (snowstorms, thunderstorms, wind, ice storms, etc.)
- Animals (such as birds or squirrels interfering with poles and lines)
- Overloaded lines
- Blown transformers
- Vehicles striking and breaking utility poles
- Problems at substations
- Restore power at main substations
- A problem within a substation or with the transmission line going to the substation would cause all of the substation to be out of service.
- Repair main distribution feeder lines
- Each main feeder circuit or line serves a section of LUB customers from the substation. There can be more than a thousand customers on a main feeder circuit.
- Repair three-phase lines
- Repair single-phase lines
- These serve smaller groups of customers off a main feeder. They can be isolated from the main feeder by disconnects, fuses and other sectionalizing equipment.
- Individual services
- These problems usually affect individual services.
Substation and transmission lines are first priority. If there are no problems at the substation, LUB employees will work to repair damage to the main feeder lines. This action restores power to a large number of people as quickly as possible. If there are no other main feeder line problems, LUB crews then begin repairing problems on tap lines, which may serve as many as 100 customers. After these lines have been repaired, crews will begin repairing individual services.
- Locate candles, kerosene lamps, or flashlights to help you see if the power goes off at night. You will be able to see what you are doing, and circumstances seem less threatening.
- Look to see if your neighbors’ lights are off. If the neighbors’ lights are not off, the problem may be confined to your home.
- Check fuses and breakers. If there is a problem with the fuses or breakers, again, the problem may be confined to your home.
- Turn off all electrical appliances that were on, especially heat pumps, air-conditioners, and electric heating. This will prevent the system from overloading once the power is restored.
- Contact LUB to inform them of the power outage. Give your address, how long the power has been off, or if there are lines down.
Be Prepared
Be Prepared Before the Power Goes Out
Providing reliable, trouble-free electric and water services is our top priority. Despite our best efforts, severe weather is a major cause of power outages. The most troublesome causes are snow and ice which can cause damage that is widespread and difficult to repair.
The first step in preparing for severe weather and/or winter storms and their effects is to simply BE PREPARED. After the power goes off is not the time to discover that the flashlight batteries are dead and there isn’t a candle in the house. If you plan ahead, you will be ready for an emergency. A few simple steps, taken NOW, can make a power outage far less trying.

EMERGENCY KIT: Include a battery powered radio, flashlight, a supply of batteries for both, candles, matches/lighter, and a can opener.
FOOD AND WATER: Enough should be kept on hand for several days (check expiration dates periodically). Plan on a quart of drinking water per person per day. Have on hand a picnic cooler for use later to store perishables.
FIRST AID KIT: Include bandages, disinfectant, aspirin, plus a supply of medications that must be taken regularly (check expiration dates periodically).
BABY SUPPLIES: Keep a supply of baby food, canned milk, formula, and disposable diapers on hand.
BACKUP HEAT: Plan alternate methods of heating your home. All fuel should be stored properly in approved safety containers and wood kept in a dry place. If you heat with natural gas, check to see whether your system requires electricity to operate. If so, plan another way to heat your home in an outage.
FIRE PREVENTION: Have handy a UL listed fire extinguisher labeled for class A, B, and C fires, suitable for use on ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, and electrical fires. Be sure all family members know how to use it.